
Best Eco Sustainable Home Designs Trending in 2024

The popularity of eco-sustainable homes is increasing along with time. If you are planning to follow this trend, it is worth knowing the best eco sustainable home designs available out there. Then you can get a modern looking home while positively contributing towards the betterment of the planet. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best eco sustainable home designs trending in 2024.

What is An Eco Sustainable House?

Before looking at the eco sustainable home designs, you should be aware of what an eco-friendly house is all about. These houses are created using appropriate methods to reduce environmental impact. In other words, builders use eco-friendly materials in buildings. They also use energy-efficiency systems and appliances, along with renewable energy sources.

What is the Most Eco-friendly House Shape?

The shape of a house can contribute a lot towards its overall eco-friendliness. With that in mind, let’s learn more about what the most eco-friendly house shape is.

  • Maximizing usable interior space

A square or rectangular shape allows for better space usage. It will also minimize unusable or wasted areas. As a result, you can reduce the overall footprint and resource completion.

  • Reducing the surface area

The eco-friendly houses have a lower surface area to volume ratio. In other words, they have fewer exterior walls and roof areas. This will result in less heat transfer through the building envelope. You can use it to cut down the cost of heating and cooling.

  • Simple construction

Eco-friendly houses have simple and straightforward designs. They are easier and cost-effective to build. It would reduce the embodied energy and resources needed during construction.

  • Efficient use of materials

With fewer corners and complex angles, eco sustainable home designs ensure less material waste. They will also result in fewer air leaks.

What is the Most Energy Efficient House Design?

Here are some of the best eco sustainable home designs available out there for you to consider. All you have to do is to consider their features and figure out what the most appropriate option for you is.

·        Prefabricated houses

When it comes to eco sustainable home designs, prefabricated houses hold a prominent place. A builder will ship out these houses to the construction site in parts. Then you will need to go through the assembly process.

One of the key benefits of a prefabricated house is the generation of less waste. The manufacturer knows the exact amount of materials needed for construction. The chances of materials getting vandalized or stolen is low as well. You can also get a high level of durability from these homes. That’s because they are engineered to precision. The time it will take for you to assemble the parts will be low. As a result, you can complete the job with minimal resources.

·        Cargotecture houses

Cargotecture houses are made out of recycled shipping containers. Instead of throwing away used shipping containers, the manufacturers recycle them and use them for house construction activities. They are highly durable. Moreover, you can get these houses for a cheap price. That’s because of the inexpensive cost of steel or aluminum. The time it will take to set up a Cargotec Ture house will be less as well.

·        Tiny homes

Along with limited space constraints, tiny houses are gaining popularity. As the name suggests, a tiny home is small in size. An average tiny home would be around 186 square feet in size. As a result, you can build a one with minimum resources. On top of that, you will also be able to save a lot of money in the long run by saving energy.You will even be able to live off the grid by getting a tiny home.

Mobility of a tiny home is a great reason to include them in eco sustainable home designs. You can simply connect it to a truck and proceed to move to a different location. On top of everything, you will be spending very little time cleaning a tiny home.

·        Homes Made Out of Natural and Recycled Materials

If you start using natural and recycled materials, building an eco-sustainable home will not be a challenge. For example, you can use eco-friendly flooring options such as cork and bamboo. Likewise, you can also use recycled wood or bamboo for the wall.

For your roof, you may consider using concrete tiles, clay, or metal. These are some of the sustainable roofing options available to consider as well. That’s because they will reduce your overall energy consumption, while minimizing environmental impact.

·        Smart Homes

When it comes to ecofriendly home designs, you can’t ignore smart homes. In a smart home, you will be using technology to get electronic devices to communicate with each other. For example, you can use smart thermostats to monitor household patterns and preferences. Then they can adjust the temperature accordingly.

Similarly, smart lighting uses motion sensors and timers to turn on lights when you really need it. You can also use smart irrigation systems to water the plants when needed. All these smart technologies can help you with conserving resources.

Read Also:-A Guide to Modifying an Existing Floor Plan

How to Make an Environmentally Sustainable House?

If you are planning to make an environmentally sustainable home, there are few important points to keep in mind. They include:

  • Selection of the most appropriate site for natural light and passive solar energy.
  • Installation of energy-efficient windows, appliances, and HVAC systems.
  • High levels of insulation and air sealing for energy efficiency.
  • Rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling systems
  • Incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar energy and geothermal energy.
  • Energy efficient windows, appliances, and HVAC systems.
  • Drought-tolerance, native landscaping, and xeriscaping.
  • Low-flow fixtures and water-efficient appliances.
  • Using locally sourced, recycled, or sustainable building materials.

Final Words

Now you have a clear overall picture of what an eco-sustainable home is about. While keeping these facts in mind, you can start looking for the best type of eco-friendly home available out there. Then you can decide whether to buy it or make it, so that you can experience all benefits coming your way.

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